More information about ASCs and the Waterton Academy Trust Governance structure can be found here: Waterton Governor Page
As chair, on behalf of our entire school community I’d like to introduce you to the Newstead ASC.
Every member of our ASC has something very special in common – an unrivalled passion, dedication and commitment to our children. Waterton children and the community deserve the absolute best and it is our job to support and challenge school to ensure that this is the case. School’s vision and values don’t stop at the school gates, they are a golden thread that runs through the ASC too and underpins everything we do. Each school in Waterton Academy Trust has an Academy Standards Committee (ASC) whose powers are defined by the trust in the Scheme of Delegation. Parents may know the ASC by its former title – The Governing Body. The ASC meets together, each term, to discuss various aspects of each school’s management and organisation. Our ASC also establishes working groups to review and develop specific aspects of school policy. Each Governor undertakes a specific area of responsibility related to a particular area of interest or skillset. Governors work with school to challenge and support leaders, but most importantly ensures that our children have the opportunity to shine and show that Aspiration and Achievement for All. You can contact me via email, at
Darren Dickinson (Chair of ASC)
More Information
Our ASC works tirelessly to ensure that our children have the education that they deserve, and is made up of a range of committed individuals who bring a range of skills and expertise to school.

How We Work
The ASC share school's vision and ethos and work alongside the Headteacher to develop school's strategic direction. The ASC also have a range of skills and knowledge in areas that greatly benefit school, and work in sub-committees to further develop our school. The ASC meet every term, but are also a constant presence in school and contribute to wider school life, such as assemblies, staff training, awards nights and learning walks.

Types of Governor
There are different types of Governor, all with different backgrounds, roles and responsibilities. A Community Governor is appointed by the ASC to represent the community, and does not need to have past education experience - but needs to be passionate about the development of our school and community. A Parent Governor is elected onto the ASC by other parents from the school, and these governors are usually parents of children in attendance at the school. A Staff Governor is elected by, and to represent, staff.