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Safeguarding is at the centre of everything we do here at Newstead, and it is the responsibility of every member of our school community.


The safety of our pupils is our number one priority. If you have any concerns at all, no matter how small, please contact us. Although we have designated safeguarding staff members, we are all responsible and all here to support our pupils and school community. Safeguarding does not stop at the school gates, we all have a duty to safeguard children in any and all contexts. No matter how small your concern, whether that be something in school or out of, please contact us instantly.

Who’s Who?

Safeguarding is the responsibility of every single person in our school community. However, the people in our school with designated safeguarding roles are below, as well as some key contacts for our local area. This information is also in our Safeguarding leaflet that all visitors are given. If you ever feel that a child is at immediate risk of harm or in danger, always contact 999 as soon as physically possible.

Designated Safeguarding Leader

Designated Safeguarding Leader

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Sharon Wainwright.

Designated Safeguarding Governor

Designated Safeguarding Governor

Our Designated Safeguarding Governor is Jonathan Bean.

Deputy Safeguarding Leaders

Deputy Safeguarding Leaders

Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are Laura Thresh, Vic Woodward and Craig Tetley.

Safeguarding at Newstead

Our approach to Safeguarding is simple – it is the single most important thing that we do. Safeguarding isn’t an add-on, or a section of school, it’s the golden thread that runs throughout everything. Through our day-to-day work with children and parents, conversations and activities in school, and being alert and aware of what is happening outside of school we aim to do everything that that physically can to keep our children and families safe. Our approach to safeguarding is born out of our love for our children and community – a child that does not feel safe or does not feel trust cannot be in a position to learn. We build relationships with our children and families that are built on trust, and work with, and challenge, other agencies to ensure that our children get the very best opportunity to succeed.


Contextual Safeguarding

Contextual Safeguarding is an approach to understanding, and responding to children’s experiences of significant harm beyond their family and home. This approach recognises the different relationships children have in their schools, peer groups, online and in their community. Our culture of safeguarding means that it does not stop at the door or at the end of the school day. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.


Staff Training & Awareness

Our staff all receive formal Safeguarding training annually, as well as annual updates on Keeping Children Safe in Education. All new staff members who join the Newstead team take part in safeguarding training as part of their induction, and all staff receive regular, specific training in Prevent, County Lines and other key safeguarding issues. Safeguarding is a standing item on our Staff meeting and Leadership meeting agendas. In addition to this safeguarding refreshers on a range of topics, as well as case studies are also shared with staff on a regular basis.


Early Help

We are here to help parents! Early Help is an additional support which is offered to all of our pupils and families. As a School, we work alongside other agencies to provide the Early Help framework. We work around the clock to ensure that Early Help Assessments progress as quickly as possible and the right support is identified and put in place for our families. The purpose of Early Help is to support the well-being of children and families by tackling emerging needs at the earliest opportunity and prevent them from getting worse. This means working with you to identify any support you may need and gain access to additional services that can promote positive outcomes. Asking for help is never, ever a bad thing – it’s a strength!

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