It is our policy that all children should wear clothing that is smart, comfortable and cost effective.
We understand that some children may need reasonable adjustments in place and have tried to accommodate these within this policy. Please discuss any specific needs with us in school so that we can work with you to find a solution that works for everyone.
Below is a list of our school uniform garments.
We please ask that all of your child’s clothing and personal items are labelled clearly with their name.

Navy sweatshirt or cardigan |
Plain white or light blue polo top |
Black or dark-grey trousers/ joggers |
Black or dark-grey skirt |
Black or dark-grey smart shorts (no sports shorts) |
Black or dark-grey pinafore dress |
Blue & white Gingham summer dress |
Black shoes/sandals (black trainers are acceptable but they must be entirely black) |

Sensible footwear should be worn (no high-heeled or platform soled shoes/boots).
N.B. black trainers are acceptable but they must be entirely black

Sensible, weather appropriate coats or jackets should be worn (please avoid leather and denim jackets).
In wetter weather we may request that children bring wellies to change into and a waterproof coat so that we can still access our outdoor learning space.

PE kit
PE kit will need to be worn by children on PE days. PE day’s will be shared with parent’s at the start of each half term.
White plain t-shirt or White polo top |
Black shorts |
Navy tracksuit bottoms/joggers |
Navy hoodie or hooded jacket |
Navy sweatshirt (no logos) |
Trainers for outdoor P.E. |
Black indoor plimsoles/pumps for indoor P.E. |
Items of clothing and accessories NOT allowed:
· Shoes/boots with high or wedged heels are not suitable footwear for school.
· Watches and stud earrings may be worn but no other jewellery (including smart watches) is permitted and will be confiscated. · Make-up, false nails and nail varnish should not be worn, and children will be asked to remove these straight away if they are found to be wearing them (parents will be called to support where necessary). · Fake tattoos should not be worn. · Football kits (or kits for other sports) should not be worn for P.E. lessons. · On non-uniform days, appropriate clothing for school should be worn. |
*Any confiscated items will be returned at the end of the school day and families will be contacted.
Property notice
The school cannot be held responsible for any personal property (e.g. watches/smartwatches) brought on to the school premises. The policy is that jewellery should not be worn at school.
If a child has pierced ears, studs may be worn but these should be removed or taped over by the child during PE/Games lessons. If you wish your child to have his/her ears pierced, this should be done at the beginning of the summer holidays. This will ensure that earrings can be removed for school without the risk of infection.
Cloakroom space is limited so please try to keep to one bag per child. They have space to hang their bag and their coat but other space is very limited.